Why We Use The Birkman Method®

We are fans of discovering an individual, and teams, unique make up before diving into any leadership development process.

While any good assessment will show you your strengths and weaknesses, Birkman is the only one that reveals your expectations of others behaviors, a critical component of deepening trust.

Feedback from a Birkman assessment is framed to be empowering to individuals and teams. Birkman highlights a person’s strengths, avoids harsh criticisms or judgments, and encourages professional growth.

We continue to use Birkman with leaders around the world years after it’s first use. The depth of insight is second to none!

Measuring 4 Key Facets of Personality

The Birkman Method uncovers and interprets behavioral data that is unique to its assessment. While their analysis is complex at its core, results are presented in ways that are user-friendly and easy to understand.


Activities that you enjoy and motivate you. You naturally gravitate toward these and they influence what you prioritize.


  • Scientific

  • Persuasive

  • Artistic

  • Numerical

Usual Behavior

Your typical behavior when your Needs are met. These are your strengths and how others see you. They are similar to right hand/left hand preference in personality.


  • Initiates actions

  • Competitive

  • Reflective

  • Organized, detailed


What you need from other people and your environment to be satisfied and engaged. These are the ‘secret-sauce’ of the Birkman Method!


  • Strong, direct supervision

  • Team acceptance

  • Opportunities to feel heard

  • A definite plan in place

Stress Behavior

Your unproductive behavior when your Needs are not met by others or your environment.


  • Impatient, edgy

  • Overly competitive

  • Indecisive

  • Resistant to change

Workplace Application


The Birkman assessment provides individuals with insights into their interests, behaviors, and motivations. This increased self-awareness can lead to a better understanding of one's strengths and potential areas for development.

Career development

The Birkman Method is often used for career counseling and development. Employees can explore how their interests and strengths align with different career paths, helping them make informed decisions about their professional development.


The Birkman assessment can shed light on individual communication styles, making it easier for team members to communicate effectively with one another. This can lead to better understanding and reduced miscommunication.

Team building

When used with a team, the Birkman assessment can help team members understand each other's communication styles, work preferences, and potential sources of conflict. This knowledge can enhance collaboration and teamwork.

Conflict resolution

Understanding the differences in communication and behavior styles among team members can help mitigate conflicts. The Birkman assessment can facilitate discussions and strategies for resolving interpersonal conflicts in the workplace.

Strategic decision-making

Employers and HR professionals can use the insights gained from Birkman assessments to inform strategic decisions related to team structure, leadership placement, and talent development initiatives.

Leadership development

Birkman assessments can be valuable in leadership development programs. Leaders can gain insights into their leadership styles, communication approaches, and areas for improvement.

Employee engagement

By recognizing and aligning employees' interests and preferences with their roles and responsibilities, employers can contribute to higher levels of job satisfaction and engagement. This, in turn, can positively impact productivity and retention.

Enhanced Hiring Decisions

The Birkman assessment can provide additional data to complement traditional hiring methods, such as interviews and resumes. It can offer insights into a candidate's behavior, communication style, and potential job fit.

The reality of life is that your perceptions - right or wrong - influence everything else you do. When you get a proper perspective of your perceptions, you may be surprised how many other things fall into place!
— Roger Birkman (founder of the Birkman Method)